April 2023

frugalism header

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Living a Frugal Lifestyle: A Guide to Mindful Spending

A frugal lifestyle is the practice of being mindful of your expenses and making conscious decisions to save money. It’s a lifestyle that prioritizes saving over spending, and it can have many benefits for those who choose to live it. Frugal living can take many forms, but some common practices include: One of the main …

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Living a Frugal Lifestyle: A Guide to Mindful Spending Read More »

50/30/20 rule

The simple 50/30/20 Rule

This rule is a popular guideline for budgeting personal finance. It was introduced by Elizabeth Warren, a Harvard bankruptcy expert, and her daughter Amelia Warren Tyagi in their book “All Your Worth: The Ultimate Lifetime Money Plan.” The 50/30/20 rule suggests that you should allocate 50% of your after-tax income to your needs, 30% to …

The simple 50/30/20 Rule Read More »

Bondora Go & Grow Advantages

Advantages and Disadvantages of Bondora Go&Grow

Introduction Bondora Go&Grow is an investment product that has become quite popular among investors in recent times. The product promises high returns and low risks, making it a suitable option for novice investors. However, like every investment product, Go&Grow has its advantages and disadvantages that investors need to be aware of before investing their money. …

Advantages and Disadvantages of Bondora Go&Grow Read More »